First For Women Image Block

As women – we’re owning it. And we’re just warming up. Like Tess – she has something big coming up. Bigger and better than anything she’s ever experienced. But it’s keeping her up. As the hours tick past – her mind races. Questions, doubts, thoughts pop up. Things are considered. And reconsidered. Sound familiar? Isn’t this frustrating considering how far we’ve come and the impact we have?

At 1st for Women, we get it. And we’ve got you, covered. Head-buts and all. Hit play for some motivation to get out there and kick those ‘buts’.

Episode 1: The what-to-wear buts

6 hours to go. Questions and more questions, like: a closet full of clothes but what to wear? These ‘buts’ have got Tess’s mind in a twist. Find out how she kicks these ‘buts’.

Episode 2: The 9-to-5 buts

4 hours to go. The ‘buts’ around gender equality at work have got Tess tossing and turning.  See how Tess beats these buts.

Episode 3: The relationship buts

2 hours to go. Tess is mulling over the modern vs. traditional roles of women. Can she have it all? Does she want it all? Is there a right answer? Watch how Tess resolves her relationship ‘buts’.

Episode 4: The keeping-safe buts

30 minutes to go. But. But. But. But. The biggest ‘buts’ of all have got Tess worried. Personal safety is always a consideration. She’ll be cautious but she won’t let this stop her. Watch as she kicks the final ‘buts’ to the curb.

Tess & the head-buts is an encouragement for women to live their best lives because within each of us is an inherent confidence that can transcend all doubts, challenges and obstacles. You’ve got this – everything within you to do anything you want.

So get out there. We’ve got you covered.

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